Brown marbles
Walnut marbles

Shadow of Caravaggio


Oppure chiama +39 348 9501245


Shadow of Caravaggio Marble is one of the most prized marbles in the world, known for its extraordinary beauty and durability.

The marble is named after the famous Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, whose unique and expressive style has influenced art for centuries.

Shadow of Caravaggio marble is characterized by a deep black base with golden and brown veins that create a breathtaking effect of shadows and lights.

Due to its extraordinary beauty, Shadow of Caravaggio marble is often used in high-end construction projects, such as palaces, luxury hotels and museums.

It is also a popular material for cladding, flooring and stairs, where its beauty can be appreciated every day. Its versatility makes it ideal for many applications in interior and exterior environments, from classic to modern, always providing an aura of elegance and prestige.

Tag: marble, shadow, of caravaggio, caravaggio, shadow of caravaggio, caravagio, stain-resistant, resistant, scratch-resistant.
Possible creations: Floors, Cladding, interiors, exteriors, Ventilated walls, Pool edges, Stairs, tables, Sinks, Kitchen tops, Shower trays.
Finishes: Polished, smoothed, brushed, sandblasted, bush-hammered, waterjet and brushed, flamed.
Possible creations: Bathroom furnishings, ventilated cladding, furnishing accessories, objects, columns, portals, fireplaces, frames, Greek frets, architectural elements, engravings, inlays and funerary art.
Applicable in the sectors: Naval, hotel, public and private furnishings.